Wednesday, September 17, 2008

San Diego Vacation

This summer our family vacation was a trip to San Diego. We rented a small house on the beach and had an awesome time.

Here are some pictures from after church on Sunday. We went to the San Diego 6th ward and Aidan thought it was really cool because there was a parking garage under the building. I guess land there is a little expensive.

There were some old stairs off the back of the house we could go down to our own private beach. The waves were really strong at the beach, so we didn't go in too far while there at that beach. We headed up to Ocean Beach, which was about 2 miles away for our time.

Here are some pictures from Ocean Beach. This is Dave's kind of vacation. Laying on the beach with nothing to worry about but a bit of a sun burn.


Becky said...

That baby is so dang cute! His little hat... awwwwww.

Becky said...

And, of course, the vacation looks like a dream. Way to go!

Michelle said...

You guys are such a cool family. Looks like you had a great time at the beach. Im with Dave, a relaxing vacation with no worries sounds like heaven to me.